Rabu, 14 September 2011

Mushrooms as Functional Foods

It has been over twenty years since the concept of “functional foods” was first introduced as a factor in the analysis of foods after nutrients. Consumers are now deeply interested in food bioactives that provide beneficial effects to humans in terms of health promotion and disease risk reduction. They also demand more
detailed information about food factors in order to obtain appropriate functional food products.

In Asian countries, like China and Japan, mushrooms have been collected and cultivated for hundred of years. They have a long history of use for their health promotion benefits. In recent years reports on the chemistry, and the nutritional and functional properties of mushroom have been overwhelming. In the Journal
of Agricultural and Food Chemistry alone there have been more than 300 articles related to mushrooms published since 1990. However, there is no in-depth comprehensive reference book of mushrooms as functional food available. The current book of Professor C. K. Cheung, Mushrooms as Functional Foods, is a timely and well welcomed book for scientists and students working in functional food research.

Besides covering the agricultural production, nutritional values, and health benefits of mushrooms, this book also introduces emerging molecular analysis and functional genomics to the study of mushroom. Health benefits of mushrooms such as, antioxidative, hypocholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic effects are discussed
in depth. Polysaccharides are the best known and potent mushroom-derived substances with immunomodulating and antitumor activities and this topic has been treated extensively in a separate chapter. Included also is a unique and useful chapter on regulatory issues of mushrooms as functional foods in different countries.

Scientists and students who research mushrooms will certainly benefit from reading this comprehensive monograph to gain in-depth knowledge for the development of mushrooms into functional foods.


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Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2nd Ed

Much has happened since the first edition of this book appeared in 2002. Despite the continuing paucity of robust scientific evidence to support most of its constituent therapies, complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) remains popular with clients who appreciate the holistic approach and have a belief in its effectiveness. Some elements of CAM such as aromatherapy and herbalism have acquired a more dedicated following, whereas others including homeopathy have been subjected to a campaign of scepticism in the UK in recent years, resulting in a reduction in the services available under the country’s National Health Service. Interest in traditional medicine, in particular Chinese and Indian medicine has increased both by the arrival of immigrants, making it important for health providers to have some knowledge of the principles and treatments involved, and by host communities, resulting in the opening of Chinese herbal medicine shops on the high streets of British cities.

Among healthcare providers there is an increasing realisation that CAM is here to stay and must at least be acknowledged as a credible option in appropriate circumstances. The concept of integrative medicine
is gaining ground. As statutory control of practitioners in many CAM therapies and licensing of medicines becomes established full recognition must surely follow.

This second edition has been reorganised and expanded with three important new chapters covering integrative medicine, pharmacovigilance and the marketing of CAM products in the USA. I am grateful to three highly experienced colleagues from New Zealand and the USA for agreeing to contribute to these chapters, thus strengthening the content. The book also provides an introduction to a much wider range of CAM therapies. It is divided into four parts:
1. The first part serves as an introduction and deals with the concepts that underpin CAM practice
2. The second part looks at therapies that generally, but not exclusively, involve the use of medicines after a consultation or through self-treatment
3. The third part gives information on traditional medicine
4. The fourth part covers a range of other therapies and diagnostic procedures.

An abbreviated FASTtrack version of this book, covering the major topics and providing self-assessment exercises, was also published by the Pharmaceutical Press in 2008. It has been designed as a resource to assist students preparing for examinations
Steven B Kayne
Glasgow, August 2008

Link download here

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

According to a random survey conducted in 1997, 42% of Americans sought out and used one or more types of medical interventions that were not taught in medical schools and were not generally available in U.S. hospitals. This represented an eight percentage point increase over the 1990 results of the same survey. While the vast majority (96%) of these people were also seeking conventional treatment for their health problems, less than 40% of these people told their conventional doctors what they were doing. Clearly, something’s going on with alternative medicine.

More than half of these Americans paid for the entire cost of treatment themselves, contributing to the estimated $27 billion spent on alternative medicine treatments in 1997—almost equal to U.S. consumers’ out-of-pocket expenses for conventional physician’s services in the same time period. In total, Americans made 629 million visits to alternative healers in 1997, nearly 243 million more visits than to all U.S. primary
care physicians. While no comparable survey results have been published since then, all indications are that Americans have continued to embrace alternative therapies, most likely at an accelerating rate. Clearly, alternative medicine is a big business.

The mainstream medical community can no longer ignore alternative therapies. The public interest is extensive and growing. You have only to look at the proliferation of popular health books, health food stores, and clinics offering healing therapies to realize that this interest cannot be dismissed. In other words, Americans want something more than biomedicine, and they are willing to pay for it.

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Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants - Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values

The application of medicinal plants to maintain health and treat diseases started
thousands of years ago and is still part of medical practice in many countries such
as China, Egypt, India, and the developing African countries. Over the centuries,
the use of medicinal plants has become an important part of daily life in the Western world despite significant progress in modern medical and pharmaceutical research. Recently, the use of medicinal plants, especially those of Chinese origin, has attracted considerable attention around the world, which has prompted extensive research on their philosophy, principles, and especially the scientific background of the chemical components responsible for their claimed therapeutic value.

Western researchers are increasingly acknowledging the importance of the Chinese
medicinal herbs and traditional herbal formulations or preparations that have
been the mainstream for centuries in China. Recently, it was found that many of the
Taiwanese native medicinal plants with promising therapeutic values have been
neglected and are not included in the traditional Chinese herbal pharmacopoeia.

This book is designed to provide researchers, manufacturers, and producers with
easy access to information on Taiwanese native medicinal plants compiled from
widely scattered literature, including some written in Chinese. This book begins
with a general introduction regarding the geographic advantages for growing variinformation
on the major constituents and therapeutic values of more than 1000
species. The data are arranged alphabetically by the Latin (generic) names. In
addition to an index, three appendices cross-reference major chemical components
and their sources as well as the common and scientific names of the medicinal plants
cited in Table 1.

The information in this book is primarily for reference and education. It is not
intended to be a substitute for the advice of a physician. The uses of medicinal plants
described in this book are not recommendations, and the author is not responsible
for liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of information in this book.

Link download here

Clinical Natural Medicine Handbook

Developed to fill a critical void in the current literature, the Clinical Natural Medicine
Handbook provides guidelines, protocols, and practice-oriented literature review to help
integrative clinicians optimize their use of nutrition, nutracauticals, and botanicals. Up-todate,
authoritative, and scientifically referenced, the Handbook was written by practicing
clinicians for practicing clinicians and, as such, provides a solid foundation on which to
base individualized patient treatment regimens and approaches.
The Handbook contains nearly three dozen disease- or condition-specific chapters
featuring in-depth information and insight on natural, nutritional, and botanical approaches
to treatment and management. A practice-oriented compendium, it focuses on the diseases
and conditions that today’s practitioners are most likely to encounter, and provides a
wealth of clinical insight based on the very latest medical and scientific research and
Detailed diagnostic information including prevalence, pathophysiology, risk factors,
symptoms, and associated conditions.
Integrative treatment guidelines and protocols comprising conventional approaches
(medical and surgical), nutracauticals, botanicals, lifestyle modifications, and other
naturopathic approaches.
Specific prescribing and dosage recommendations featuring nutrient-drug interactions,
hormone and food allergy considerations, and possible affects on laboratory test results.
Quick-reference charts to speed diagnostics and prescribing.
In sum, the Clinical Natural Medicine Handbook provides an evidence-based foundation
on which integrative clinicians can build, expand, and enhance their practices as they
improve patient outcomes and establish a formal standard of care.

Download link is here

Rahasia Jadi Enterpreneur Muda

Buku ini berkisah tentang rahasia dari kesuksesan pengusaha-pengusaha muda di negeri ini. Tiap bab dalam buku ini menceritakan lika-liku jalan sukses dari para pengusaha itu dalam bidang masing-masing.

Buku ini wajib dibaca oleh siapa pun yang ingin terjun ke dunia wira usaha karena ia mengisnpirasi dan memotivasi pembacanya, sekaligus memberi gambaran riil dunia usaha dari berbagai bidang, mulai dari usaha distro, pendidikan, busana muslim, bisnis online dsb.

Link download di sini.

Rahasia Pengusaha Sukses

Materi-materi dalam ebook ini diperoleh penulisnya dari berbagai sumber/publikasi gratis di internet. Buku ini memberi gambaran yang sangat sederhana, jelas dan praktis yang dapat dipraktekan siapa pun yang ingin menjadi pengusaha. 

Link download di sini
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Langkah Menjadi Pengusaha
12 Pertanyaan Sebelum Memulai Usaha
14 Rahasia Buka Usaha
Cara Menyusun Kelayakan Usaha
Cara Menyusun Proposal Kredit
Pengajuan Proposal Kredit ke Bank
Kiat-kiat Pemasaran
10 Kesalahan Dalam Pemasaran
45 Cara Promosi Efektif
15 Cara Mendapatkan Penghasilan Ekstra
Kunci Sukses Usaha
Menentukan Investasi Yang Tepat